Всем доброго дня!

Помогите разобраться с кодом, пожалуйста!
Мне нужно автоматизировать браузер в моем приложении, для начала хочу сделать следующее:

1. Загрузить, например, Google.com
2. Ввести в строку поиска фразу, например, “поиск слова”
3. Нажать кнопку “Поиск в Google”

Для эмуляции браузера использую cefpython (http://code.google.com/p/cefpython/) По ряду причин, мне подходит только он, перепробовал кучу других средств, все не то…

В общем, разработчик заявляет, что cefpython дает возможность использовать произвольный JavaScript на любой странице. Но как это сделать не сообщает.

Вот что он мне пишет:

You can execute arbitrary javascript on webpages, use Browser->GetMainFrame()->ExecuteJavascript(“document.getElementById('lst-id').value='my search';”)

Put this code in OnLoadEnd event (LoadHandler), an example is in cefadvanced.py.

Вот код этого самого cefadvanced.py

# Copyright (c) 2012 CefPython Authors. All rights reserved.
# License: New BSD License.
# Website: http://code.google.com/p/cefpython/
# Check whether python architecture and version are valid, otherwise an obfuscated error
# will be thrown when trying to load cefpython.pyd with a message "DLL load failed".
import platform
if platform.architecture()[0] != "32bit":
	raise Exception("Unsupported architecture: %s" % platform.architecture()[0])
import sys
if sys.hexversion >= 0x02070000 and sys.hexversion < 0x03000000:
	import cefpython_py27 as cefpython
elif sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000 and sys.hexversion < 0x04000000:
	import cefpython_py32 as cefpython
	raise Exception("Unsupported python version: %s" % sys.version)
import cefwindow
import win32api # pywin32 extension
import win32con
import win32gui
import re
import os
import imp
DEBUG = True
# TODO: creating popup windows from python.
# TODO: creating modal windows from python.
# TODO: allow to pack html/css/images to a zip and run content from this file, optionally allow to password protect this zip file (see WBEA implementation).
def CefAdvanced():
	# This hook does the following: in case of exception display it, write to error.log, shutdown CEF and exit application.
	sys.excepthook = cefpython.ExceptHook 
	# Whether to print debug output to console.
	if DEBUG:
		cefpython.g_debug = True
		cefwindow.g_debug = True 	
	# ApplicationSettings, see: http://code.google.com/p/cefpython/wiki/ApplicationSettings
	appSettings = dict()
	appSettings["log_file"] = cefpython.GetRealPath("debug.log")
	appSettings["log_severity"] = cefpython.LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE # LOGSEVERITY_DISABLE - will not create "debug.log" file.
	appSettings["uncaught_exception_stack_size"] = 100 # Must be set so that OnUncaughtException() is called.
	wndproc = {
		win32con.WM_CLOSE: CloseApplication, 
		win32con.WM_DESTROY: QuitApplication,
		win32con.WM_SIZE: cefpython.wm_Size,
		win32con.WM_SETFOCUS: cefpython.wm_SetFocus,
		win32con.WM_ERASEBKGND: cefpython.wm_EraseBkgnd
	windowID = cefwindow.CreateWindow(title="CefAdvanced", className="cefadvanced", 
		width=800, height=600, icon="icon.ico", windowProc=wndproc)
	# BrowserSettings, see: http://code.google.com/p/cefpython/wiki/BrowserSettings
	browserSettings = dict() 
	browserSettings["history_disabled"] = False # Backspace key will act as "History back" action in browser.
	browserSettings["universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed"] = True
	browserSettings["file_access_from_file_urls_allowed"] = True
	handlers = dict()
	# Handler function for LoadHandler may be a tuple.
	# tuple[0] - the handler to call for the main frame.
	# tuple[1] - the handler to call for the inner frames (not in popups).
	# tuple[2] - the handler to call for the popups (only main frame).
	clientHandler = ClientHandler()
	handlers["OnLoadStart"] = clientHandler.OnLoadStart
	handlers["OnLoadEnd"] = (clientHandler.OnLoadEnd, None, clientHandler.OnLoadEnd) # OnLoadEnd = document is ready.
	handlers["OnLoadError"] = clientHandler.OnLoadError
	handlers["OnKeyEvent"] = (clientHandler.OnKeyEvent, None, clientHandler.OnKeyEvent)
	handlers["OnConsoleMessage"] = clientHandler.OnConsoleMessage
	handlers["OnResourceResponse"] = clientHandler.OnResourceResponse
	handlers["OnUncaughtException"] = clientHandler.OnUncaughtException
	cefBindings = cefpython.JavascriptBindings(bindToFrames=False, bindToPopups=False)
	browser = cefpython.CreateBrowser(windowID, browserSettings, "cefadvanced.html", handlers, cefBindings)
	jsBindings = JSBindings(cefBindings, browser)
	browser.jsBindings = jsBindings
def CloseApplication(windowID, msg, wparam, lparam):
	browser = cefpython.GetBrowserByWindowID(windowID)
	return win32gui.DefWindowProc(windowID, msg, wparam, lparam)
def QuitApplication(windowID, msg, wparam, lparam):
	return 0
class JSBindings:
	cefBindings = None
	browser = None
	def __init__(self, cefBindings, browser):
		self.cefBindings = cefBindings
		self.browser = browser
	def Bind(self):
		# These bindings are rebinded when pressing F5 (this is not useful for the main module as it can't be reloaded).
		python = Python()
		python.browser = self.browser
		self.cefBindings.SetFunction("alert", python.Alert) # overwrite "window.alert"
		self.cefBindings.SetObject("python", python)
		self.cefBindings.SetProperty("PyConfig", {"option1": True, "option2": 20})
	def Rebind(self):
		# Reload all application modules, next rebind javascript bindings.
		# Called from: OnKeyEvent > F5.
		currentDir = cefpython.GetRealPath()
		for mod in sys.modules.values():
			if mod and mod.__name__ != "__main__": 
				if hasattr(mod, "__file__") and mod.__file__.find(currentDir) != -1: # this module resides in app's directory.
						if DEBUG:
							print("Reloaded module: %s" % mod.__name__)
					except (Exception, exc):
						print("WARNING: reloading module failed: %s. Exception: %s" % (mod.__name__, exc))
		if DEBUG:
			# These modules have been reloaded, we need to set debug variables again.
			cefpython.g_debug = True
			cefwindow.g_debug = True
		# print("cefwindow.test=%s" % cefwindow.test)
class Python:
	browser = None
	def ExecuteJavascript(self, jsCode):
	def LoadURL(self):
	def Version(self):
		return sys.version
	def Test1(self, arg1):
		print("python.Test1(%s) called" % arg1)
		return "This string was returned from python function python.Test1()"
	def Test2(self, arg1, arg2):
		print("python.Test2(%s, %s) called" % (arg1, arg2))
		return [1,2, [2.1, {'3': 3, '4': [5,6]}]] # testing nested return values.
	def PrintPyConfig(self):
		print("python.PrintPyConfig(): %s" % self.browser.GetMainFrame().GetProperty("PyConfig"))
	def ChangePyConfig(self):
		self.browser.GetMainFrame().SetProperty("PyConfig", "Changed in python during runtime in python.ChangePyConfig()")
	def TestJavascriptCallback(self, jsCallback):
		if isinstance(jsCallback, cefpython.JavascriptCallback):
			print("python.TestJavascriptCallback(): jsCallback.GetName(): %s" % jsCallback.GetName())
			print("jsCallback.Call(1, [2,3], ('tuple', 'tuple'), 'unicode string')")
			if bytes == str:
				# Python 2.7
				jsCallback.Call(1, [2,3], ('tuple', 'tuple'), unicode('unicode string'))
				# Python 3.2 - there is no "unicode()" in python 3
				jsCallback.Call(1, [2,3], ('tuple', 'tuple'), 'bytes string'.encode('utf-8'))
			raise Exception("python.TestJavascriptCallback() failed: given argument is not a javascript callback function")
	def TestPythonCallbackThroughReturn(self):
		print("python.TestPythonCallbackThroughReturn() called, returning PyCallback.")
		return self.PyCallback
	def PyCallback(self, *args):
		print("python.PyCallback() called, args: %s" % str(args))
	def TestPythonCallbackThroughJavascriptCallback(self, jsCallback):
		print("python.TestPythonCallbackThroughJavascriptCallback(jsCallback) called")
	def Alert(self, msg):
		print("python.Alert() called instead of window.alert()")
		win32gui.MessageBox(self.browser.GetWindowID(), msg, "python.Alert()", win32con.MB_ICONQUESTION)
	def ChangeAlertDuringRuntime(self):
		self.browser.GetMainFrame().SetProperty("alert", self.Alert2)
	def Alert2(self, msg):
		print("python.Alert2() called instead of window.alert()")
		win32gui.MessageBox(self.browser.GetWindowID(), msg, "python.Alert2()", win32con.MB_ICONWARNING)
	def Find(self, searchText, findNext=False):
		self.browser.Find(1, searchText, forward=True, matchCase=False, findNext=findNext)
	def ResizeWindow(self):
		cefwindow.MoveWindow(self.browser.GetWindowID(), width=500, height=500)
	def MoveWindow(self):
		cefwindow.MoveWindow(self.browser.GetWindowID(), xpos=0, ypos=0)
	def GetType(self, arg1):
		return "arg1=%s, type=%s" % (arg1, type(arg1).__name__)
class ClientHandler:
	def OnLoadStart(self, browser, frame):
		# print("OnLoadStart(): frame URL: %s" % frame.GetURL())
	def OnLoadEnd(self, browser, frame, httpStatusCode):
		# print("OnLoadEnd(): frame URL: %s" % frame.GetURL())
	def OnLoadError(self, browser, frame, errorCode, failedURL, errorText):
		# print("OnLoadError() failedURL: %s" % (failedURL))
		errorText[0] = "Custom error message when loading URL fails, see: def OnLoadError()"
		return True
	def OnKeyEvent(self, browser, eventType, keyCode, modifiers, isSystemKey, isAfterJavascript):
		# print("eventType = %s, keyCode=%s, modifiers=%s, isSystemKey=%s" % (eventType, keyCode, modifiers, isSystemKey))
		if eventType != cefpython.KEYEVENT_RAWKEYDOWN or isSystemKey:
			return False
		# Bind F12 to developer tools.
		if keyCode == cefpython.VK_F12 and cefpython.IsKeyModifier(cefpython.KEY_NONE, modifiers):
			return True
		# Bind F5 to refresh browser window.
		# Also reload all modules and rebind javascript bindings.
		if keyCode == cefpython.VK_F5 and cefpython.IsKeyModifier(cefpython.KEY_NONE, modifiers):
			# When we press F5 in Developer Tools popup, there are no bindings in this window, error would be thrown.
			# Pressing F5 in Developer Tools seem to not refresh the parent window.
			if hasattr(browser, "jsBindings"):
			browser.ReloadIgnoreCache() # this is not required, rebinding will work without refreshing page.
			return True
		# Bind Ctrl(+) to increase zoom level
		if keyCode in (187, 107) and cefpython.IsKeyModifier(cefpython.KEY_CTRL, modifiers):
			browser.SetZoomLevel(browser.GetZoomLevel() +1)
			return True
		# Bind Ctrl(-) to reduce zoom level
		if keyCode in (189, 109) and cefpython.IsKeyModifier(cefpython.KEY_CTRL, modifiers):
			browser.SetZoomLevel(browser.GetZoomLevel() -1)
			return True
		# Bind F11 to go fullscreen.
		if keyCode == cefpython.VK_F11 and cefpython.IsKeyModifier(cefpython.KEY_NONE, modifiers):
			return True
		return False
	def OnConsoleMessage(self, browser, message, source, line):
		appdir = cefpython.GetRealPath().replace("\\", "/")
		if appdir[1] == ":": 
			appdir = appdir[0].upper() + appdir[1:]
		source = source.replace("file:///", "")
		source = source.replace(appdir, "")
		print("Console message: %s (%s:%s)\n" % (message, source, line));
		return False
	def OnResourceResponse(self, browser, url, response, filter):
		# This function does not get called for local disk sources (file:///).
		print("Resource: %s (status=%s)" % (url, response.GetStatus()))
	def OnUncaughtException(self, browser, frame, exception, stackTrace):
		url = exception["scriptResourceName"]
		stackTrace = cefpython.FormatJavascriptStackTrace(stackTrace)
		if re.match(r"file:/+", url):
			# Get a relative path of the html/js file, get rid of the "file://d:/.../cefpython/".
			url = re.sub(r"^file:/+", "", url)
			url = re.sub(r"[/\\]+", re.escape(os.sep), url)
			url = re.sub(r"%s" % re.escape(cefpython.GetRealPath()), "", url, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
			url = re.sub(r"^%s" % re.escape(os.sep), "", url)
		raise Exception("%s.\n"
						"On line %s in %s.\n"
						"Source of that line: %s\nStack trace:\n%s" % (
						exception["message"], exception["lineNumber"], 
						url, exception["sourceLine"], stackTrace))
if __name__ == "__main__":

Никак не могу въехать куда вставлять JavaScript…

Пробовал так:
def OnLoadEnd(self, browser, frame, httpStatusCode):
	browser.GetMainFrame().ExecuteJavascript("document.getElementById('lst-id').value='my search';")

Но не работает, хотя разработчик говорит, что должно…

Помогите разобраться, как заставить выполняться JavaScript в моем браузере…?