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Андрей Светлов
На comp.lang.python проскочило сообщение:

Have you read _any_ of the documentation? Or is this all an exercise
in seeing if you can convince a group of disparate strangers to teach
you Python for free?

Люди разные - а проблемы те же :)
Да уж…
Андрей Светлов
продолжают веселить - теперь уже в иной ветке и другие персонажи: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/c8630b7ec60df888/e007d971ed68dc4c
2й и 3й ответы особенно порадовали =)
Tim Chase
Tsk…no docstrings? no unit tests or doctests? no parameter
validation? no copyright notice? no revision-tracking nor
authorship comments? what sort of bad example are you setting
here? You want this kid to fail?! With such poor instruction,
it's no wonder the economy is going to shambles, the educational
system is falling apart, there's global warming, terrorism, spam,
and reality television. Your piteous code make Paris Hilton cry.
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