Добрый день. Есть задача вывести данные из бд sqlite3. Помогите разобраться с примером с из коробки PyQt4.
— файл connection.py
from PyQt4 import QtSql, QtGui
def createConnection():
    db = QtSql.QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')
    if not db.open():
        QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, QtGui.qApp.tr("Cannot open database"),
                QtGui.qApp.tr("Unable to establish a database connection.\n"
                              "This example needs SQLite support. Please read "
                              "the Qt SQL driver documentation for information "
                              "how to build it.\n\n"
                              "Click Cancel to exit."),
        return False
    query = QtSql.QSqlQuery()
    query.exec_("create table person(id int primary key, "
                "firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20))")
    query.exec_("insert into person values(101, 'Danny', 'Young')")
    query.exec_("insert into person values(102, 'Christine', 'Holand')")
    query.exec_("insert into person values(103, 'Lars', 'Gordon')")
    query.exec_("insert into person values(104, 'Roberto', 'Robitaille')")
    query.exec_("insert into person values(105, 'Maria', 'Papadopoulos')")
    query.exec_("create table offices (id int primary key,"
                                             "imagefile int,"
                                             "location varchar(20),"
                                             "country varchar(20),"
                                             "description varchar(100))");
    query.exec_("insert into offices "
               "values(0, 0, 'Oslo', 'Norway',"
               "'Oslo is home to more than 500 000 citizens and has a "
               "lot to offer.It has been called \"The city with the big "
               "heart\" and this is a nickname we are happy to live up to.')")
    query.exec_("insert into offices "
               "values(1, 1, 'Brisbane', 'Australia',"
               "'Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, the Sunshine State, "
               "where it is beautiful one day, perfect the next.  "
               "Brisbane is Australia''s 3rd largest city, being home "
               "to almost 2 million people.')")
    query.exec_("insert into offices "
               "values(2, 2, 'Redwood City', 'US',"
               "'You find Redwood City in the heart of the Bay Area "
               "just north of Silicon Valley. The largest nearby city is "
               "San Jose which is the third largest city in California "
               "and the 10th largest in the US.')")
    query.exec_("insert into offices "
               "values(3, 3, 'Berlin', 'Germany',"
               "'Berlin, the capital of Germany is dynamic, cosmopolitan "
               "and creative, allowing for every kind of lifestyle. "
               "East meets West in the metropolis at the heart of a "
               "changing Europe.')")
    query.exec_("insert into offices "
               "values(4, 4, 'Munich', 'Germany',"
               "'Several technology companies are represented in Munich, "
               "and the city is often called the \"Bavarian Silicon Valley\". "
               "The exciting city is also filled with culture, "
               "art and music. ')")
    query.exec_("insert into offices "
               "values(5, 5, 'Beijing', 'China',"
               "'Beijing as a capital city has more than 3000 years of "
               "history. Today the city counts 12 million citizens, and "
               "is the political, economic and cultural centre of China.')")
    query.exec_("create table images (locationid int, file varchar(20))")
    query.exec_("insert into images values(0, 'images/oslo.png')")
    query.exec_("insert into images values(1, 'images/brisbane.png')")
    query.exec_("insert into images values(2, 'images/redwood.png')")
    query.exec_("insert into images values(3, 'images/berlin.png')")
    query.exec_("insert into images values(4, 'images/munich.png')")
    query.exec_("insert into images values(5, 'images/beijing.png')")
    return True
— файл querymodel.py
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSql
import connection
def initializeModel(model):
    model.setHeaderData(0, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, "ID")
    model.setHeaderData(1, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, "First name")
    model.setHeaderData(2, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, "Last name")
def createView(title, model):
    view = QtGui.QTableView()
    return view
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    if not connection.createConnection():
    model = QtSql.QSqlTableModel()
    view1 = createView("Table Model (View 1)", model)

  • Мне нужно получить запрос вида “select * from person order by asc;”;
  • Избавиться от первого столбца слева, который нумерует каждую строку запроса;
  • Сделать значения строк(тобишь данных из бд) не редактируемыми.