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Есть реализация алгоритма на pascal:
var incr: array [0..23] of integer := (1, 4, 10, 23, 57, 145, 356, 911, 1968, 4711, 11969, 27901, 84801, 213331, 543749, 1355339, 3501671, 8810089, 21521774, 8548857, 157840433, 410151271, 1131376761, 2147483647); ch,ch2,n,q,k:integer; arr:array [0..1000] of integer; isx_ar:array [0..100,0..10] of integer; C: Boolean; G: Integer; I: Integer; J: Integer; Tmp: Integer; len: Integer; cur_inc: integer; begin Write ('Введите размер исх. массива кол-во строк'); Readln (k); Write ('Введите размер исх. массива кол-во столбцов'); Readln (q); n:=0; for ch2:=0 to k-1 do begin for ch:=0 to q-1 do begin isx_ar[ch2,ch]:=random(100)-random(100); arr[n]:=isx_ar[ch2,ch]; write (isx_ar[ch2,ch],' '); inc(n); end; writeln; end; n:=n-1; //for i:=0 to n do Write (arr[i],' '); len := n; cur_inc := 0; while 3 * incr[cur_inc + 1] <= n do inc(cur_inc); repeat g := incr[cur_inc]; i := g; repeat j := i - g; c := True; repeat if arr[j] >= arr[j + g] then c := False else begin Tmp := Arr[j]; Arr[j] := Arr[j+g]; Arr[j+g] := Tmp; end; dec(j, g); until not ((j >= 0) and C); inc(i); until not (i <= len); dec(cur_inc); until not (cur_inc <> -1); n:=0; for ch2:=0 to k-1 do begin for ch:=0 to q-1 do begin isx_ar[ch2,ch]:=arr[n]; write (isx_ar[ch2,ch],' '); inc(n); end; writeln; end; end.