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Пользователей, у которых день рождения был в выходные, нужно поздравить в понедельник.
import calendar import datetime def get_birthdays_per_week(users): # get the current day now = datetime.datetime.now() # get the day of the week, 0-monday, 1-tuesday day_num = now.weekday() # create a dictionary to store the list of users per day birthdays_by_day = dict() # iterate over the users list for user in users: # calculate the difference in days between the current day and the user's birthday difference_in_days = (user['birthday'] - now).days # check if the difference is between 0 and 7 if 0 <= difference_in_days <= 7: # get the day number of the user's birthday user_day_num = (user['birthday'].weekday() - day_num) % 7 # extract the name of the user user_name = user['name'] # get the list of users for the user's birthday day user_list = birthdays_by_day.get(user_day_num, []) # add the name of the user to the list of users on the user's birthday day user_list.append(user_name) # update the dictionary birthdays_by_day[user_day_num] = user_list # loop over days for day_num, user_list in birthdays_by_day.items(): # get the day name day_name = calendar.day_name[day_num] # format and print users print('{}: {}'.format(day_name, ', '.join(user_list)))